Christabel (Part 6)
 Comic Strip

Christabel (Part 6)

Publication Date: March 9, 2015

Chapter: English Literature During The Romantic Period

In almost exactly a month, I'm going to drag Lit Brick kicking and screaming back into a daily (Monday through Friday) update schedule, but first, I have some unfinished business. I wrote this Christabel strip over a year ago, with the other Christabel strips, but never actually drew it. It is thus drawn.

The long and short of it is that Christabel is ensorceled, and subsequently is unable to warn her father, the king, of Geraldine's voodoo that she does so well. Such is life.

Author: Samuel Taylor Coleridge • Year: 1816
Source: Poetry FoundationInfo: Wikipedia

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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