The Lost Princess of Oz
 Comic Strip

The Lost Princess of Oz

Publication Date: April 23, 2013

Chapter: The Wonderful Comics of Oz

"The Lost Princess of Oz" features a kidnapped Ozma, a sadistic shoemaker, and an army of teddy bears packing heat.

This strip is not about any of those things.

TROUT FACT: When my grandfather gave me my first complete set of Baum Oz books in third grade, he mentioned - specifically - the Frogman and Ugu the Shoemaker. Apparently, "Lost Princess " made a huge impression on him, as these were literally the only characters he ever remembered when discussing this series.

Author: L. Frank Baum • Year: 1917 • Info: Tor Online

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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