Ancrene Riwle (1)
 Comic Strip

Ancrene Riwle (1)

Publication Date: June 3, 2010

Chapter: English Literature During The Middle Ages

Dude, Christ Knight, let her go, man. She ain't worth it. There are other fish in the sea!

So, spoiler alert, the Christ Knight is, in fact, Christ himself in what is arguably the least subtle metaphor in human history. The first third of this story (only a small part of the massive and equally stupid Ancrene Riwle) is a little tale about a knight that begs for the love of a woman, only to realize that he'll have to die to finally win her over. This he promptly does, only to come back from the dead three days later (gasp). The lady, of course, loves him upon his return. Imagine if this chick ever met Houdini. All you've really gotta do to please this woman is make her card appear on the top of the deck.

Anyway, the next two-thirds of the story is just two giant paragraphs explaining what the previous third meant. It explains, in excrutiating detail, all about how the Knight was a metaphor for Christ, complete with Biblical citations. It's pretty much as terrible as it sounds. I don't have any direct link to this story for you to read, so I suppose you'll just have to trust me on this one.

Fun Fact! This was once translated by J.R.R. Tolkien. That really shouldn't surprise you.

Year: c. 12th Century • Info: Wikipedia

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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