Lanval (7 of 8)
 Comic Strip

Lanval (7 of 8)

Publication Date: May 11, 2010

Chapter: English Literature During The Middle Ages

"The king ordered his retinue / To render up their judgment due. / The long procrastination had, / He said, made him extremely mad. / "My lord," they answered, "we have acted. / But our attention was distracted / By the ladies we have seen. / But now the court shall reconvene."

There were actually two pairs of ladies to offer distraction. The first pair caused the recess cited in the above quote. Shortly thereafter, another pair of girls showed up to cause even more trouble. These girls are, of course, the servants of Lanval's mistress, sent to delay the verdict long enough, so said mistress can get off her lazy ass and ride to Camelot.

Both translations I've read explicitly mention that the girls riding into the courtroom were very nearly naked. Specifically, they're all wearing extremely thin silks and absolutely nothing else. Now, if that extremely thin silk looks like I think it looks, then I can't draw them in the comic for fear of being NSFW. Honestly, I'm pretty sure Arthur's baronage is getting some serious nipple action. Again, I've gotta ask: great Arthur myth, or greatest Arthur myth? "Lanval" friggin' rules.

Author: Marie de France • Year: c. 1170 • Info: Wikipedia

#MarieDeFrance   #SirGawain   #ArthurKingOfTheBritains   #AWellMadePairOfBasins   #TheMiddleAges   #English  

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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