The Waste Land (3)
 Comic Strip

The Waste Land (3)

Publication Date: August 31st, 2016

Chapter: The Twentieth Century

The third part of the Waste Land is about a mystical old Greek man who is blind but CAN SEE THE FUTURE! OOOOOOH! The future he sees is one in which a bored lady has to sex up her man, who is apparently out for some afternoon deight during his lunch break. The old soothsayer is 100% a creepy voyeur and watches the Couple From The Year 2000 get their bone on. Gross, dude.

Author: T. S. Eliot • Year: 1922 • Info: Wikipedia

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About The Comic

Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit!

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