William Shakespeare's Sonnets (1 of 2)
Publication Date: March 22, 2011
Chapter: English Literature in the Sixteenth Century
It's time, oh yes, it's finally time. To celebrate the (almost) one year anniversary of Lit Brick, it's Shakespeare time, boy-eeee. We begin, as does the Norton, with sonnets. As aptly demostrated by today's comic, if taken out of context, they aren't all very flattering to the ladies. But that's why Shakespeare's sonnets are genius, aren't they? They weren't about the same old Hallmark card topics that the other sonnets had covered in the past. And even when Willy dipped into old fashioned love poems, he pulled them off with such style that they made previous sonnets look like cave paintings next to his Mona Lisas.
His first seventeen sonnets are dubbed the "procreation sonnets," and they're all about trying to convince people to bone before it's too late. Gotta respect that! Still, if you're a guy, these aren't the sonnets you wanna read to your girlfriend. "Have children, lest your beauty be lost forever! You life is wasted without procreation!"
Unless that actually works and she throws you into bed. But I can't really see that happening.
This comic also introduces the notion that Molly actually has a boyfriend. He's apparently just been off-panel for a really long time. His name is James, and he's totally awesome with the ladies, unless the lady in question is someone he actually likes. Then he's an idiot. I'll spare you the rest of his backstory for now, as that's better off being in a different comic entirely.
Author: William Shakespeare • Year: 1609 • Info: Wikipedia
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About The Comic
Lit Brick is a comic started by Jodie Troutman in an effort to read the entire Norton Anthology of English Literature. Having eventually succeeded in that goal, it now features comics about all manner of random literature. For more of Jodie's work, visit longtalljodie.com!
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